April 07, 2018

Importance Of Human Resource Planning

Need and importance of human resource planning can be highlighted as follows:

1. Forecast Future Manpower Needs

HR planning forecasts the future manpower needs and helps to select right kind of people at right time for the right post.

2. Cope With Environment

HR planning helps to cope with the changes in internal and external business environment. It helps to face the challenges both inside and outside the organization.

3. Recruitment And Selection

HR planning helps the management to recruit and select highly skilled and talented manpower according to the requirement of the job.

4. Performance Development

Human resource helps to enhance the employees' performance by identifying the training needs and creating development opportunities according to the requirements of different jobs.


5. Proper Utilization Of Manpower

HR planning always gives emphasis on effective utilization personnel in the organization. It also helps to avoid surplus and shortfalls of human resource.

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6. Reduce Uncertainty

Human resource planning helps to reduce uncertainty and risks in the business.

7. Goal Achievement

Proper human resource planning process ensures smooth operation in the organization which leads to achieve goals and objectives more effectively.