July 05, 2012

Importance Of Office Management

No organization can run without efficient and effective office management. It is important to run the organizational activities smoothly towards the achievement of goals.

Importance of office management can be described as follows:

1. Goals achievement

 Office management is very important to achieve organizational goals. Goals are desired outcomes for the organization. Office management plays a key role in directing the efforts if all employees towards goal achievement. It balances the requirement of jobs and people. It uses the means of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling to achieve goals.

2. Resource utilization

Proper utilization of resources is another importance of office management. Human, physical, financial and information resources are needed for functioning of organizations. Office management helps to use these resources effectively in a coordinated way. It creates enabling environment for productivity improvement. It minimizes costs and controls wastage to increase profit.

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3. Environmental adaptation

Environment is complex and dynamic force which affects the organization. Political, legal, economic, social, cultural and technological forces keep on changing. Office management helps the organization to adopt to changing environment. It identifies opportunities and avoids threats.

4. Problem solving

It is another notable importance of office management. Office management helps to solve day-to-day problems of the organization without delay. It clearly understands problems, identifies and evaluates various alternatives and choose the appropriate alternative to solve the problem.

5. Service provision

Office management serves as a service center for the organization. It gets jobs of managing information, records, supplies, properties and people done in an efficient manner. It provides services to other departments of the organization. It ensures efficient performance of office work. It develops systems and procedures to handle jobs.

6. Coordination

Office management helps achieve unity of action and harmony of efforts in the organization. It links together the activities of various departments through coordination mechanisms. They can be information system, rules and procedures, committees and communication.

7. Control

Control involves setting performance standards, measuring actual performance and taking corrective actions for deviations. Office management establishes and implements effective internal control system consisting of internal check and internal audit. This helps to prevent errors, leakages and frauds.