July 05, 2012

9 Key Functions Of Office Management


Office management refers to the process of designing, organizing, managing, communicating, coordinating, directing, controlling administrative activities in the organization. The main objective of office management is to achieve goals and objectives by facilitating smooth and efficient operation.
Office management is very important for every organizations. It performs various functions such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating and controlling in order to achieve the goals of the organization.

9 Important Functions Of Office Management

Some major functions of office management can be highlighted as follows:

1. Planning

Office management defines future road map of the office. It decides in advance about future activities of office. It sets objectives for the office and chooses actions to achieve those objectives. Office management is future oriented. It sets standards of performance for an office.

2. Organizing

 Organizing is another major function of office management. Office management assigns office jobs to people and positions. The steps taken are:

- It groups similar office jobs

- It creates positions in office. Jobs are assigned to people and positions

- Authority and responsibility of each position is defined

- Coordination mechanism is established
3. Human resource management (Staffing)

Staffing is another important function of office management. It hires people to fill office positions. It is concerned with hiring, training, using and retaining people.

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4. Directing

Office management guides and supervises office employees to perform job. It involves leading, communicating, motivating and coordinating.

5. Controlling

Another key function of office management is controlling. It  measures actual office performance with standards. Corrective actions are taken for deviations in office performance.

6. Communicating

It facilitates effective communication (both internal and external communication) to reduce misunderstanding and confusion in the office. 

7. Keeping Records

It maintains proper recording of essential documents in the office that helps in smooth operation of organizational functions.

8. Reporting

It prepares reporting regarding office performance and presents to the management and stakeholders that helps in future planning and decision making.

9, Motivating 

It conducts different training and development programs to enhance employees skill and performance. It provides growth and development opportunity that helps to motivate workers in the workplace.