October 07, 2024

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Written Communication


Written communication is a technique of transmitting messages, idea, or information through written words. Text message, memos, reports, diagram, email, bulletin are some examples of written communication. It is more formal and organized than verbal communication. Written messages can be documented and preserved for future purpose and it can be presented as legal evidence in the court.

Advantages Of Written Communication

The main advantages of written communication can be highlighted as follows:

1. Record Maintenance

In written communication, messages can be documented and maintained that can be used for future use.

2. Legal Validity

Preserved written documents can be used as legal evidence in the court if needed. So, written communication has legal evidence which is lacked incase of oral communication.

3. Suitability

It is suitable to present complex information like statistical chats, figure, diagram etc. It is also suitable to forward unpleasant news because people feel uncomfortable to send such information or news through oral communication. 

4. Accuracy And Clarity

Another notable advantage of this type of communication is that it ensures more accuracy and clarity than oral communication. Therefore, written communication is more reliable mode of communication.

5. Less Chance Of Misinterpretation 

Because of accuracy and clarity it lowers the chance of misinterpretation of information.

6. Promotion Of Goodwill And Image

Good written communication is important to maintain the goodwill and image of the organization. It helps to create positive image that leads to improve the reputation of the firm.


7. Wider Scope

Its scope is wider than oral communication because it is suitable to deliver sensitive and lengthy messages. It is suitable for long distance communication.

Disadvantages Of Written Communication

The major drawbacks or disadvantages of written communication can be pointed out as follows:

1. Not Suitable

Written communication is not suitable to interact with large audience at once. It is also not applicable for those people who cannot read or write properly.

2. Expensive And Time Consuming

Another disadvantage of written communication is that it consumes more time, cost, resources and effort. It requires more time and resources for drafting, forming, typing, printing and sending the message. It is costly process because it requires stationary, employees, machines and equipment to create and deliver the message.

3. Lack Of Immediate Response

Because of slow delivery of message, receiver cannot response quickly. Lack of immediate response and feedback leads to slow decision making. Therefore, written communication is not suitable in emergency situation.

4. Lack Of Personal Touch

Another notable drawback of written communication is that it lacks personal touch between sender and the receiver. Therefore, it is difficult to clear the doubts and misunderstandings.

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Oral Communication

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Formal Communication

5. Skill Requirement

Good written communication requires great writing skill to prepare attractive and clear message to impress the receivers. Poor writing cannot convey messages correctly that may hamper the reputation and image of the organization.

6. Less Flexible

It is less flexible than verbal communication because messages cannot be changed or modified easily.

Pros And Cons Of Written Communication In Brief


* It is more formal and organized means of communication

* It is easy to preserve written messages

* It reduces the chance of misinterpretation

* It can be used as legal evidence

* It increases the goodwill and reputation


* It is cost, time, resources and labor consuming process

* It is less flexible and less dynamic process of communication

* It requires special knowledge, writing skill and experience to draft a good message

* It is not suitable for illiterates

* There is no quick feedback because of slow delivery of message