April 07, 2018

Difference Between Personnel Management And Human Resource Management

Key differences between personnel management and human resource management (HRM) can be expressed as follows:

1. Meaning

Personnel Management: It is an administrative function which is concerned with the selection of right personnel, payroll and job analysis.
Human Resource Management: It is a management technique to ensure efficient utilization of manpower in the organization to achieve predefined goals and objectives.

2. Approach

Personnel Management: It is a traditional and unscientific approach of controlling manpower.
Human Resource Management: It is a modern and scientific approach of managing manpower.

3. Focus

Personnel Management: It focuses on hiring of employees, remunerating and labor relation.
Human Resource Management: It focuses on motivation, development and preservation of manpower.

4. Assumption

Personnel Management: It assumes employees as tools and input.
Human Resource Management: It assumes employees as an asset and resources.

5. Function

Personnel Management: It is a routine function of management.
Human Resource Management: It is a strategic function of management.

6. Job Design

Personnel Management: Division of labor is considered while doing job design.
Human Resource Management: Team work is considered for job design purpose.

7. Opportunity

Personnel Management: It provides less training and development opportunities to the employees.
Human Resource Management: It provides more training and development opportunities to the employees.

8. Decision Making

Personnel Management: Decisions are taken by the top level management. 
Human Resource Management: Decisions are taken collectively.

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9. Communication

Personnel Management: Indirect communication between management and employees.
Human Resource Management: There is a direct communication between top management and employees.

10. Nature

Personnel Management: It is reactive in nature.
Human Resource Management: It is proactive in nature