June 28, 2012

The Sales Process Of Outdoor Or Traveling Salesperson

The selling process of traveling or outdoor salespersons is different from the method used by indoor salesperson. It involves step-by-step process which begins with seeking potential customers and ends with closing the sale.

The sales process of outdoor salesperson can be described as follows:

1. Prospecting Customers

The task of seeking potential customers is called prospecting. The traveling or outdoor salespersons travel different places for seeking potential customers. They prepare list of potential customers. This saves time and effort of the sellers. Only potential/prospective customers who can be real customers in future should be found by studying their needs and wants. For this list of names and address of such customers should be prepared.

2. Pre-approach

After the potential customers have been found, the sellers collect necessary data of the sales of goods. This is done before meeting the customers. This stage is called pre-approach. At this stage the sellers classify the customers, study their needs, wants and identify their buying motive. Then information about their nature, interest, educational level, age, social life, economic position etc. should be taken.

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3. Approach

An outdoor salesperson should make an approach to the customers according to the plan made in pre-approach. For such approach, meet and talks correspondence, telephone or other means should be used to determine date, time and place. The seller should be smiling, active, clean and healthy at the time of meeting the customers.As soon as the customers are meet, the seller should give good impression. At the beginning the seller should give short introduction of the company,himself/herself and the products to the customers.

4. Presentation And Demonstration

While approaching the customers, the traveling salespersons should present the goods. They should explain the attributes, quality, utility, price etc. of the products to the customers. Presentation and explanation of the product should be short, complete, clear, attractive and simple that the customers are interested to buy the products.

5. Meeting Objections

After presentation and demonstration of the products, the customers may express doubt or objections to the quality, feature, and price of the products or to the presentation by the salesperson. If the customers cannot get satisfactory answers of such doubts or objection from the salesperson, they do not buy the products. So, it is an important task of salesperson to face doubts and objections and give satisfactory answers.

6. Closing The Sale

After properly solving the objections and doubts of the customers, the last stage of selling process is to close the sale. To close the sale by motivating the customers to make buying decision or getting order from them is the successful sale.