June 26, 2012

Advantages Of Mail Order Business


Mail order business is a type of retail business where products are sold through remote methods. Brochures, websites, phones, or other types of online platforms are used by the buyers to place orders. Products are delivered  through, mail, courier or other types of delivery services. 

Mail order business is advantageous for both businessmen and customers because of buying economy, less cost of operation, wider market, elimination of middlemen, home delivery service, no bad debt etc.

The advantages of mail order business can be described as follows:

1. Economy in buying

Mail order businessmen purchases goods from producers in large quantity. So, they purchase quality goods at reasonable price.

2. Low operating expenses

More capital is not needed to operate mail order business. It takes low operating expense because it does not need to pay rent for shop, this business does not need display of goods, investment does not need in furniture, racks etc. and no free service is needed to customers.

3. Wider market

Mail order business can attract customers from different parts and nook and crannies of the country. This type of business is very useful for the customers living far from city areas. So, its market goes on widening.


4. Elimination of middlemen

Mail order business brings customers and sellers in contact through mail. They can perform buying and selling without middlemen. This eliminates middlemen.

5. Home delivery

Home delivery service is another advantage of mail order business. The customers an receive goods at home in mail order business. This saves time of customers, they do not need to go to market and walk from one shop to another for selecting and buying goods.

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6. No bad debt

In mail order business , there is no fear for sellers of bad debts, because the seller either take price of goods in advance by post or sends goods through V.P.P.

Benefits Of Mail Order Business In Short

* It can be started with limited capital because it does not require physical storefront
* This business can be operated globally without geographic limitations
* There is no risk of bad debt because all the transactions are performed in cash only
* Customers do not need to visit different stores for shopping, so it saves their time and effort
* It can be operated with the help of fewer employees. So, it minimizes staffing costs
* It improves the cash flow of the business because of cash sales and lower operating expenses

In this way, both sellers and buyers can get benefits from mail order business.