October 30, 2012

Components Of Tourism Product

The tourism product may be defined as a bundle or package of tangible and intangible components based on activity at a destination. The package is perceived by the tourist as an experience available at a price. A tourism is made of 4 A's, every tourism product should have 4 A's i.e. attraction, accommodation, accessibility and amenities. 

These components of tourism product can be discussed as follows:

1. Attraction

It is the main component of tourism product. Attractions are those elements, which determine the choice of tourists. Attraction creates desire to travel, motivate to travel. They should be able to attract and attach so tourists participates in the tourism activities. Attractions may be natural attractions, man-made attractions, event attractions, built-in attractions and cultural and social attractions.

2. Accommodation

These are elements within the destination or related to tour, that make it possible for visitors to stay overnight. For the purpose of classification, all tourist accommodations have been divided into two groups, service accommodation and supplementary accommodation. Service accommodations are the hotels, lodges, resorts, inns etc. operating as business enterprises and provide house-keeping facilities. Supplementary accommodations are not registered as tourism organization but provide accommodation facilities such as Dharmasalas, camping grounds, Youth hostels etc.

      Also Read:
Types Of Tourism Products

3. Accessibility

These are the elements that affect the time value and dollar value of a traveler . It is related to the possibility to  visit, to feel, to see or to acquire the experience. It is the time and money, and effort to fulfill the desire created by attraction. They include transport, government regulation, travel facilities. Accessibility is not to have any travel barriers.

4. Amenities

Amenities are the services and facilities added with attraction, accommodation and accessibility to create tourism. It is the soul of tourism which gives life to tourism. Without amenities, a destination will be a place, accommodation will be a local hotel, a transport will be local transport etc.

Other component of a tourism is image or goodwill of a destination or organization. It strongly influence the customers' buying decisions. Their expectations are closely linked with satisfaction because they are considered as part of the product.