There are several types of tourism products such as convenience products, specialty products, shopping products, unsought tourism products etc.
Different types of tourism products can be described as follows:
Different types of tourism products can be described as follows:
1. Convenience tourism products
Convenience tourism products are bought to satisfy immediate desire. These products are inexpensive items that require little shopping effort. Tourists buy convenience products usually without significant planning. Fast food, cold drinks, small souvenirs, a visit to museum are the examples of convenience tourism product.
2. Shopping tourism products
These tourism products are generally more expensive than convenience products and tourists buy these products only after comparing. Buying these products involves shopping efforts. Tourists want to compare quality, service agency. They are half-day tour, dinner program, etc.
3. Specialty tourism products
Specialty tourism products are expensive and involves high risk from tourist side. They spend sustainable time and effort to buy these type of products. In reality every tourism product involves certain element of specialty product. Buying a foreign tour, airline ticket, mountaineering and expedition are some examples of specialty tourism products.
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Unsought tourism products are unknown products to the tourists. Every tourism products include this element to provide pleasure of shopping. In terms of tourism buying is ' Shopping for pleasure'. They are the new destinations, resorts or activities.
These products are purchased for further processing or for use in conducting a business. The distinction between a consumer product and industrial product is based on the purpose for which the product is bought. A trekking needs hotel and city and transport. In the same way every resort is supported by transport.
These items support production or operation. They facilitate developing and managing the finished goods. It includes land and buildings, natural beauty, heritage, cultural hospitality, customer's trust, image, goodwill, standardization of the service are the capital in tourism in business.
4. Unsought tourism products
Unsought tourism products are unknown products to the tourists. Every tourism products include this element to provide pleasure of shopping. In terms of tourism buying is ' Shopping for pleasure'. They are the new destinations, resorts or activities.
5. Industrial tourism products
These products are purchased for further processing or for use in conducting a business. The distinction between a consumer product and industrial product is based on the purpose for which the product is bought. A trekking needs hotel and city and transport. In the same way every resort is supported by transport.
6. Capital items
These items support production or operation. They facilitate developing and managing the finished goods. It includes land and buildings, natural beauty, heritage, cultural hospitality, customer's trust, image, goodwill, standardization of the service are the capital in tourism in business.