May 16, 2024

Significance Or Importance Of Motivation

What Is Motivation ?

Motivation refers to the psychological force that stimulates and inspires individuals to improve their performance at work. It helps to increase the efficiency of employees in the workplace that increases the productivity of the business. 

Employee motivation is influenced by the following factors:

* Working Environment

* Salary And Facilities

* Growth And Development Opportunity

* Work Culture

* Type Of Leadership

* Reward And Recognition

In this post we are going to discuss major benefits or importance of employee motivation.

Significance Or Importance Of Motivation

Importance of motivation can be highlighted as follows:

1. Optimum Utilization Of Resources

One of the main benefit of employee motivation is that it ensures optimum utilization of human and non-human resources in the workplace. It helps to increase efficiency and lowers wastage of resources. It increases employee engagement that helps to achieve organizational goals effectively.

2. Increased Productivity

Because of increased employee, proper utilization of resources, it increases the output of the firm. Increased production leads to increase in the revenue of the company.

3. Increased Job Satisfaction

Motivation is important factor that increases job satisfaction. It improves satisfaction and morale of the employees. Increased job satisfaction decreases the rate of employee turnover.

4. Good Labor Relation

As we know that all the members of the organization make equal effort to obtain the goals, motivation helps to make good relation among the members (both management and subordinates). So, it promotes coordination, cooperation and sense of team spirit in the workplace.

5. Growth And Development

Motivated employees want to face challenges and learn new skills that promotes growth and development. Therefore, motivation is important to fuel growth and development.


6. Promotes Innovation

Motivation promotes innovation in the organization because workers try to find out innovative solutions to perform complex and time consuming tasks.

7. Reduced Stress

Motivation reduces the stress, boredom and anxiety because of positive working environment and good support of superiors in the organization.

8. Less Supervision And Control

Because of motivation, employees are more disciplined and self-controlled. Therefore, it requires less supervision and control in the workstation.

9. Good Communication

Motivation helps to establish good communication between top level management and employees. It helps to understand each other's feeling and share ideas.