February 11, 2023

Meaning And Importance Of Receivable Management

Introduction And Meaning Of Receivable Management

In simple words, receivable management is a process of tracking, monitoring and managing the outstanding invoices or credit sales. It helps the company to maintain sufficient cash in the firm that ensures smooth functioning of business activities. It is very helpful to minimize bad debts and maximize the earning of the company.

Importance Of Receivable Management

The importance of effective receivable management can be highlighted as follows:

1. Ensures Better Cash Flow

It helps to generate cash inflow in the business. It discourages overdue payment and minimizes the risk of non-payment. It helps to maintain adequate cash in the firm. So, it ensures better cash flow and smooth functioning of business activities.

2. Minimizes Bad Debts

Receivable management helps to track and monitor credit sales made by the company. It makes payment schedule that helps the company to follow up with customers. Therefore, it lowers the chance of non-payment that minimizes the risk of bad debt.

3. Increased Sales

Efficient receivable management system provides credit facility to the customers. It helps to attract more potential customers which helps to boost the sales volume.

4. Increased Profitability

As we know that receivable management helps to increase sales volume and minimizes bad debts. It also helps to lower the cost of investment in receivable. Because of increased sales and cost reduction, it helps to increase the profitability or earning capacity of the company.

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5. Better Credit Policy

It helps to establish better credit policy that helps to increase customer satisfaction. It also helps to improve the image and goodwill of the business.