January 04, 2023

Importance Of Cash Management

 Introduction And Meaning Of Cash Management

Cash management refers to collecting, managing, handling, and controlling of cash in the business firm. It aims to manage cash outflow (account payable) and cash inflow (account receivable) to ensure optimum utilization of financial resources. An effective cash management system helps to maximize liquidity and profitability of the firm.

Importance Of Cash Management

The main importance of cash management can be summarized as follows:

1. Matching Cashflows

Good cash management system aims to match cash outflows and cash inflows in the company. It helps to minimize cash related problems and maintains proper liquidity in the business.

2. To Meet Financial Obligations

Cash management ensures sufficient amount of cash which helps the company to meet its short-term or long-term financial obligations. 

3. Investment Opportunity

The main objective of cash management is maximum utilization of fund. So, it encourages to invest unused, idle or surplus fund in profitable projects.

4. Sufficient Working Capital

It ensures adequate amount of working capital in the workplace which facilitates smooth functioning of organizational activities without any shortage of fund.


5. Better Inventory Control

It helps to maintain optimum level of inventory by avoiding over or under stocking of materials that helps to maintain positive cash flow in the company.

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6. Advantage Of Discount

Company with sufficient cash in hand can enjoy the benefit of bulk buying and also can take the advantage of cash discount in special purchase. It helps to minimize the cost of the product and maximize the profit of the firm. 

7. Grown And Expansion

Company can use surplus cash for growth and expansion purpose. So, good cash management helps to expand business.