Major functions of a supervisor are as follows:
1. Planning And Organizing
Planning is the basic role of the supervisor as an operating manager. He has to prepare plan and schedule of jobs to be performed. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to divide or assign the work to the subordinates according to their knowledge, skills and capacity.
2. Providing Leadership And Guidance
A supervisor provides leadership to the workers. He acts like a friend and provide guidelines to enhance and drive their performance towards the goals and objectives of the organization.
3. Motivating Subordinates
This is very important function of a leader in the organization. He should apply different motivational techniques to inspire subordinates to achieve the goals.
4. Issuing Orders And Instructions
Issuing orders and instructions is another key function of a supervisor. He supervises and observes the employees' performance and issues orders and instruction to guide them for corrective action.
5. Controlling Maintaining Discipline
5. Controlling Maintaining Discipline
Proper control is necessary to run organizational activities smoothly. Supervisor has to assure smooth operation by enforcing organizational rules and regulations. He should check the progress of work and report to the top level management. For this, he should control the subordinates and maintain proper discipline. Special attention should be given to the subordinates in the organization.
6. Linking Pin
A supervisor is known as a linking pin between top level management and lower level employees. He bridges the gap between the superior and subordinates. He communicates ideas, plan and policies of top level management to subordinates and brings the problems, complaints, grievances and suggestions of subordinates to the top level management.
7. Handling Grievances
7. Handling Grievances
Supervisor should clearly understand the problems or difficulties of subordinates. He should try to win their confidence by taking appropriate steps to solve their problems. Supervisor should communicate employees' grievance to the top level management.
8. Proper Working Condition
Working condition directly affects the performance of the workers in the organization. Proper lighting system, proper ventilation, heating, safety devices etc. should be maintained in the workplace. Hazards free environment helps to increase employees efficiency.
9. Reporting
Supervisor has to submit periodical report regarding cost, quality, production, progress of work, employee's performance, target fulfillment etc. to the top level management.