October 17, 2017

Functions Of Managerial Leader

The managerial leader performs a number of functions that depend on various factors such as nature and size of organization, the authority and responsibility entrusted to him/her. Besides them, the following are the major functions to be performed by a successful manager.

1. Determination Of Organizational Goal

A managerial leader must be clear about the organizational goal. He should interpret the organizational goal among the subordinates. The success of the organization depends upon the interpretation of the managerial leader.

2. Organization Of Activities

Organizing the activities among the subordinates is the most essential task of a managerial leader. He should involve in dividing the activities in systematic manner. Dividing of activities must be in an effective way which reduces the possible conflict among the subordinates.

3. Providing Guidance

Employees may not be clear about the activities of the organization. In this situation a good leader has to guide the subordinates towards the achievements of the organizational goal. S/he must provide the necessary guidelines and tips to the employees when required. Guidelines of the leader stops organization from possible conflicts and rescues from facing problem.

4. Achieving Co-ordination

A managerial leader must have his major concern to the organizational goals and individual goals together. S/he integrates the goals of the individuals with the organizational goal. S/he should show enthusiasm about the regular performance. It helps to achieve the co-ordination of employees for achieving the organizational goal.

5. Representation Of Workers

Since a leader is a representative of his/her group s/he must concern on the initiative of all matters of interest of his group. A leader tries to fulfill at all his/her group's need and requirements and works as a representative of his subordinates.

6. Inspiration To Employees

Inspiration to the subordinates helps to perform the better job. Inspiration helps to motivate the subordinates to work in better way. Therefore, a leader manages different methods of inspiration like reward, promotion system etc.

7. Building Employees Morale 

A leader is responsible for building the employees' morale. A leader shapes the thinking and attitude of his group and develops good human relation and facilitates interaction. In this way, he can build employees' morale.

8. Facilitating Change

A leader is the messengers of the change. He works as the mechanism to convince workers about the need to change. As the change agent, a managerial leader also works to bring change to the subordinates.

9. Controlling Function

A managerial leader is a controlling body in the organization. S/he controls the organization and directs it towards achieving its goal. The whole management of the organization is vested in his/her hand and hence, s/he controls the subordinates in a better way.

10. Dealing With Outsider

A leader facilitates the organization as well as workers dealing with outsiders. As the managerial function, s/he has to deal with many outsiders. So, s/he has to be good character and morale.