July 10, 2015

Features Of Consumer Market

The main characteristics or features of consumer market can be highlighted as follows:

1. Market Focus

Consumer market focuses on individual and households because it consists of products for daily uses.

2. Consumption Purpose

Buyers buy the products in order to satisfy their daily needs. They consume only those products that can satisfy their individual and household needs.

3. Branding

In consumer market, products have a different brand image and consumers choose their favorite brand in order to satisfy their needs. Most of the consumers are brand loyalty. 

4. Packaging

Products are attractively and properly packaged to attract buyers. Good packaging is essential in consumer market.
5. Promotion

Products are promoted through different promotional tools like advertising, after sale service etc. to attract buyers.

6. Demand

Generally there are a large group of buyers in consumer market . They consume products in small volume. Demand of these products is elastic and affected by price and income.

7. Emotion

Buying of consumer product depends on the emotion of the buyers. They can buy the product if they like and can quit the product if they are not satisfied.