Office is a center where all the official activities of an organization are performed. Without office we cannot do any organizational tasks. There are two types of office functions. 1) basic function of office and 2) auxiliary functions of office
1. Basic functions of an office
The basic functions of an office are related to information management. They are as follows:
a. Receiving information
An office receives and collects various types of information. The information can be:
* External sources: They can be suppliers, customers, government, competitors, shareholders, banks, and general public. The information is received in the form of orders, inquiries, complaints and reports. It is received by letters, telephone, fax, e-mail, printed materials.
* Internal sources: They can be departments and sections of the organization. The information is received by letters, circulars, reports, invoices, memos, e-mail and newsletters.
b. Processing information
An office receives various types of information. Not all information received is relevant and important. The information received is processed through sorting, editing and summarizing. Unnecessary information is destroyed.
c. Storing information
The processed information is stored for future use. The safety of the stored information is ensured. Some of it is stored for long period. The storage can be in files or computer.
d. Supplying information
The stored information is supplied inside and outside the organization. It is used for planning, decision making and controlling purposes. Information is distributed accurately and speedily.
2. Auxiliary functions or administrative management functions of an office:
The auxiliary functions of office are related to office management. They are as follows:
a. Managerial functions
An office performs the managerial function of planning, organizing, directing and controlling. These functions are related to office management. They are needed to achieve office objectives.
b. Human resource management functions
Office jobs are performed by people. Proper selection, training, utilization and retention of competent employees are done by an office. The efficiency of office depends on competency of employees.
c. Systems development
An office develops systems and procedures to handle routine jobs. This ensures uniformity in tackling routine problems. Systems and procedures ensure smooth flow of office work.
d. Safeguard assets
An office safeguards assets of the organization. Assets can be fixed assets and current assets. They can be documents. Assets are protected from fire, theft and loss. Insurance policies are taken for protection against risks of loss.
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e. Purchase office machinery
An office needs office machines, equipment and furniture for efficient operations. The speed and quality of office works depends on the use of technology. The function of office is to select and purchase right type of office machinery and furniture.
f. Control supplies and stationary
Office supplies and stationary are essential for operation of an office. Their purchase in right quality and quantity is an important function of an office. The purchase, storage, issue and use of supplies and stationary is controlled by an office.
g. Public relations
An office is the first point of contact for visitors. Public relations promote favorable attitudes and opinions toward the organization. An office develops public relations with outsiders. This provides positive image to the organization, its policies and products.