November 29, 2024

The Main Characteristics Of Informal Organization


An informal organization refers to the unplanned and unstructured human relationship developed within the formal organization. It has no specific, goal, defined jobs and responsibility. It helps to share interests, build personal relationships and fulfill the social needs. Friendship groups, group of coworkers, professional network, interest groups etc. are some examples of informal organization

Features Or Characteristics Of Informal Organization

Some of the key characteristics of informal organization can be highlighted as follows:

1. Lack Of Formal Structure And Rules

One of the key features of informal organization is that it lacks proper structure, rules, chain of command and official leadership. It is formed spontaneously based on common interest of the members.

2. Flexible And Dynamic

It is flexible than formal organization because it does not follow specific rules and procedures. It can be changed according to the change in personal interests and organizational environment.

3. Unstable

Because of the lack of specific objective, rules, regulations, procedures and proper leadership it lacks stability.

4. Rapid Flow Of Information

In informal organization scalar chain system is not followed for communication. Therefore, messages can be delivered very quickly. Quick transmission of message facilitates quick response and prompt decision making.


5. Found In Every Organization

This structure is found in every formal organizations because social interactions are required to build trust and cooperation among the members. 

6. Possibility Of Conflict And Misunderstanding

Because of the lack of proper communication, chain of command and formal leadership there exists a chance pf misunderstanding and conflict in this type of organizational structure.

7. Sense Of Teamwork And Collaboration

Informal organization promotes teamwork, collaboration and sense of harmony in the workplace.

Also Read

Characteristics Of Formal Organization

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Formal Organization

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Informal Organization

8. Limited Scope

It has limited scope and is smaller in size than formal organizational structure.

9. Difficult To Control

Because of the lack of leadership and strict rules it is difficult to control and maintain discipline in this type of structure.