May 25, 2024

Need And Importance Of Employee Empowerment

Employee empowerment is a process of granting freedom, authority and decision making power to the employees. It is a management strategy that helps to equip employees with responsibility, authority and support to perform their jobs and duties independently. Employee empowerment encourages employees to work effectively that helps to obtain predetermined goals and objectively easily.

Benefits, Need Or Importance Of Employee Empowerment

The main benefits, needs or importance of employee empowerment strategy can be highlighted as follows:

1. Increased Employee Motivation

One of the key benefits of employee empowerment is that it increases workers motivation. Because of freedom of authority and decision, it improves morale and motivation that increases the job satisfaction. Increased motivation helps to minimize labor turnover.

2. Increased Confidence

Empowerment increases the confidence of subordinates in the workplace. Therefore, it helps them to face challenges and difficulties while doing the job.

3. Increased Engagement

Another importance of employee empowerment is that it improves employee engagement. Increased engagement improves job satisfaction that helps to increase employee retention rate.

4. Increased Productivity

Because of high motivation and increased employee engagement it helps to improve the performance of workers. This helps to increase the productivity of the company. Increased production leads to decreases in the cost of production that increases the earnings of the firm.

5. Promotes Creativity And Innovation

Employee empowerment promotes innovation and creativity in the workplace. When employees are equipped with authority and decision making, they are encouraged to think outside the box and they may find out innovative solutions to solve the problems. 

6. Growth And Development Opportunity

Giving employees autonomy or freedom to take decision helps to take risks, explore ideas and take challenges that helps to enhance their skill, knowledge and experience. It provides learning opportunity that provides growth and development opportunity.

7. Better Relationship

It helps to improve communication and establish better relationship between management and employees. It helps to build trust that makes good working culture in the organization.

8. Improved Quality

Because of high motivation, better engagement and good working environment, it helps to improve the quality of output. Better quality increases the customer satisfaction and loyalty. So, it helps to increase the image and reputation of the company.

9. Reduced Cost And Time

Empowerment of employees helps to enhance workers performance that helps to complete given tasks in less time . It minimizes mistakes and wastage of resources. So, it is decreases the cost and time to perform jobs.