March 05, 2019

Importance Or Uses Of Microeconomics

The main advantages, importance or uses of microeconomics can be highlighted as follows:

1. Optimal Production Decision

Business firms want to increase their profit by the use of limited resources. Microeconomics helps to take wise decision regarding production and procedures to reduce the cost of the products.

2. Proper Employment Of Available Resources

It helps proper employment or allocation of limited resources to improve productivity and profitability of the firm.

3. Helps To Set Price

Microeconomics helps the firm to set the price of the product because it is related to demand and supply analysis, theory of product price and factor price.
importance of microeconomics
4. Understanding The Satisfaction

It is useful to understand the behavior of individuals and their level of satisfaction.

5. Formulation Of Policies

Microeconomics is very useful for the government to formulate and evaluate economic policies which helps to know their effectiveness.

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6. Promotes International Trade

Another importance of microeconomics is that it promotes international trade by providing valuable information about external and internal trade, balance of payment, foreign exchange rate etc.

7. Helpful To Study Macroeconomics

It studies the economic behavior of individual unit or a group which is helpful in the study of whole economy or macroeconomics.