January 25, 2019

10 Key Characteristics Of Labor

The main features or characteristics of labor can be described as follows:

1. Non Separable
Labor is always attached with the worker or laborer. So, labor does not exist without laborer.
2. Perishable
Labor is perishable in nature. It cannot be preserved or retained for future purpose like other materials or goods.

3. Less Mobile

It is less mobile than other production factors such as capital and materials.

4. Indispensable Factor

It is indispensable factor of production because production is impossible without the labor of the worker.

5. Inelastic In Nature

Because of limited number of laborers, supply of labor is always inelastic.

6. Increase Efficiency

Efficiency of employees or laborers can be enhanced by providing proper training and conducting development programs.

7. Active Factor

Cooperation and action of laborer is needed to yield or produce anything. Without the involvement of labor, production is impossible.

8. Weak Bargaining Power

Generally, laborers or workers are from poor families with weak financial position. Due to unemployment, they cannot refuse employment. So, they have very weak bargaining power.

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9. Classification

Labor can be classified into three categories such as skilled labor, semi-skilled labor and unskilled labor.

10. Heterogeneous

Another characteristic of labor is, it is heterogeneous by nature. Ability, quality, and efficiency of workers differ from each others according to their, age, gender, skill, education, experience and working condition.