February 26, 2014

Meaning Of Total Quality Marketing And Role Of Marketers In It

Meaning Of Total Quality Marketing 

In order to achieve quality based on customer satisfaction a firm needs to do follow the total quality management approach and implement it with modification in the firm of total quality marketing. Total quality management is a popular philosophy of the 1980s that emphasizes that not only production process but also the policies and practices of the organization as a whole should be committed to continuous improvement of quality. Total quality marketing emphasizes that each marketing activity performed by the firm such as marketing research, sales training, advertising, customer service, and others should confirm to the highest possible standards. 

Role Of Marketers In Total Quality Marketing

Marketers have three major roles to play in the success of total quality marketing.

1. Correctly identify the customers' needs and requirements and communicate customers' expectations appropriately to product designers.

2. Make sure that the customers' orders are meet in time and see that customers have received proper information, training and technical assistance in the use of the product.

3. Gather customer complaints on the current products and customers' ideas for product or service improvement, and convey them to the proper departments in the firm.