April 02, 2012

Development Of Marketing Concepts

The study of the philosophy of marketing and system of thought is marketing concept. Marketing is concerned with the activities for fulfilling the needs of customers while marketing concept indicates the thought or philosophy of systematic study of the activities. Marketing indicates activities activities but marketing concept indicates theory and principles. So, there is basic difference between marketing and marketing concept. After getting knowledge about the development of marketing activities, it becomes contextual to study the gradual development of the marketing concept.

The development of modern concept of marketing is the outcome of the past business background. The present concept of of marketing ' earning profit by bearing social responsibilities and satisfying customers' did not exist in past. Marketing concept is found to have gradually developed with the development of business principles and management thought. The scholars of marketing have presented five alternative concepts of business in the development of marketing concept as follows:

1. The production concept

2. The product concept

3. The selling concept

4. The marketing concept

5. The societal marketing concept