April 19, 2017

Differences Between Manufacturing And Service Business

Main difference between manufacturing business and service business can be discussed as follows:

1. Nature Of Goods

Manufacturing Business: Products are tangible in nature. They can be demonstrated, seen and touched by customers. Physical goods like computer, books, motorbike etc. are the examples of manufacturer's  products.
Service Business: Services are intangible . Clients cannot see or touch. Banking, training, consultancy etc. are examples of services.

2. Stock

Manufacturing Business: Manufacturer's products can be stored for future use. They hold inventory according to the demand forecast. 
Service Business: Service cannot be hold or stocked for future purpose.

3. Ownership

Manufacturing Business: Ownership is transferred after purchase or sale of goods.
Service Business: Ownership of service is not transferred permanently to the clients.

4. Production

Manufacturing Business: Manufacturers first produce products and then supply in the market as per demand.
Service Business: Service is created or produced when customers required. 

5. Transportation

Manufacturing Business: Manufacturer's products can be transported from one place to another.
Service Business: It cannot be transported.
6. Contact

Manufacturing Business: Direct contact is not necessary between manufacturing company and final customers.
Service Business: Direct contact is necessary between service providing company and client.

7. Transaction

Manufacturing Business: Transaction of goods is performed through buying and selling or transferring the ownership of goods.
Service Business: It is performed through acts and interactions between service provider and client.

8. Location

Manufacturing Business: Manufacturing firms need proper physical location for production and storing goods.
Service Business: They don't need a fix location. Service can be created and delivered from any location.