February 27, 2014

Principles Of Total Quality Marketing

Total quality marketing can be effectively implemented by adopting the following principles:

1. Quality is in the eyes of customers

Product or service quality means customers' perceived quality. No matter how best the firm thinks its products or service is, if customers feel it is not good enough, it should mean that it needs improvements. Thus, quality must begin with customers' needs and end with customers' perception.

2. Quality must be reflected in every activity of the firm

Quality should be reflected not just on the product but also on sales personnel, advertising services, product literature, delivery, after-sales support, and other marketing activities.

3. Quality requires total employee commitment

Not only the marketing personnel but the total employees of the firm should be fully committed to quality and motivated and trained to deliver it. 

4.Quality requires high quality partners

Quality can be deliver only when firm's partners such as suppliers and distributors also deliver quality.

5. A quality program cannot save a poor product

If customers perceive one of the firm's products as 'poor' it is futile to salvage that product through the quality improvement program.

6. Quality can always be improved

Firm must believe that there is scope for improvement in every product or service.

7. Quality improvement sometimes requires radical jumps

Today the market has become so competitive and unpredictable that continuous quality improvement is not enough. Firms in the present context should ' work smarter' and beat competitors through radical change in quality.

8. Quality does not cost more

The notion that improving quality requires larger investments has outdated. The extra investment in quality improvements programs can be easily recovered through reduction of wastage and increased customer goodwill.

9. Quality alone is not enough

Quality is necessary but it is not enough to make a firm successful in the competitive market. Very often when a firm makes a breakthrough in the quality of its products, competitors also follow suit and neutralize its effects. To be successful in the competitive market, a firm should focus equally on other important marketing strategies.