July 06, 2012

Qualities Of Good Indexing

Good indexing should be fit with filing system. It should possess some qualities like simplicity, flexibility, economy, safety, suitability etc. 

Essential qualities of good indexing can be described as follows:

1. Simplicity

Simplicity is the most important quality of indexing. A good indexing system should be simple. It should be easy to understand and operate. Employees should easily gain knowledge about it.

2. Economical

A good indexing should be economical. It should not be expensive to install and operate. The cost of materials and equipment should not be high. The indexing system should be compact. It should not occupy too much office space.

3. Flexibility

A good indexing should be flexible. It should have capacity to change with changing needs for filing. It should be able to discard dead references and add new references.

4. Quick location

A good indexing system should quickly locate needed files and documents. It should ensure efficient and smooth office operations.
5. Suitability

A good indexing system should be suitable to the needs of filing system. It should facilitate speed in filing documents.

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6. Safety

Safety is another essential quality of indexing system. A good indexing system should be safe. It should be protected from insects, rats, dust, water. fire etc. It should not be accessible to unauthorized persons. it should ensure secrecy about internal matters of office.

7. Cross

A good indexing system should provide cross reference for documents that are related to more than one file.